Sunday, June 15, 2008


Last night was my first ride of the summer with the bike crew. We were 6 deep and cruised at speeds reaching 60 MPH. We dominated the streets between 1:00 and 2:30am. An ideal time to relax and hit top speeds without the worry of busy traffic killing us. I was very surprised as to just how much ground we covered in so little time. It was a great hangout. AND I also learned that it is relatively easy to text while biking. My advice to all this summer is to invest large amounts of money in fixing up old bikes or purchasing very expense new bikes to join this riding crew.

In other news, I wanted to share a blog that I have been reading for a long time. The blog is a photography blog done by a straight edge dude currently living in Japan. I emailed him once just to say what's up and that I thought his photos were awesome. He wrote back some time later thanking me and he seemed real cool. What brings me to share this is he is way into the biking scene. Him and his friends have large get togethers and ride deep into the Japanese night. When you visit his blog you'll see flyers for such and I think we should rip the idea and start holding these events. He also shoots pretty much everything and does a great job while doing it. Check it out when you have time.

The HOPE THIS HELPS empire is constantly growing. Contribute to whatever you can. We will soon be on the look out for talent scouts when HOPE THIS HELPS branches out into the modeling / acting industry. If you would like to be famous or know someone who would like to be, contact Nick or me.

Final note, Happy Fathers Day to all of our dads. My dad is in full support of this day and this blog.

1 comment:

NICK said...

solid look for big chuck